The Crab & Lobster and The Halfway Bridge are two stylish restaurants with rooms in West Sussex, with an AA 5-star rating.
Although business during the peak periods is buoyant, the properties experience lower occupancy and a decrease in restaurant bookings during the traditional seasonal downturn (October to March).
The objective of the campaign was to promote the year round appeal of both restaurants and boost the bookings of mid-week stays and restaurant tables throughout the year.
Boost bookings via year-round coverage in the consumer media by using seasonal events, activities and programmes offered at local attractions as reasons to travel.
On-going programme of press releases to promote new menus, special offers, collaborations with local suppliers, events and seasonal ‘Clinton days’ e.g. Valentine’s Day.
Secure restaurant reviews in national, regional and local newspapers and magazines through individual press trips.
Also through individual media stays, generate standalone hotel reviews - as well as wider destination-led features with both properties as the ‘must stay’ accommodation options.
Campaign achieved over £250,000 worth of coverage
- Comprehensive spread of coverage across the pages of national newspapers and magazines and in regional and local media and their online equivalents.
- Doubled the number of Facebook likes for both restaurants and added over 400 followers on the Crab & Lobster’s Twitter and 300 to the Halfway Bridge’s.
- 19 press trips arranged.
- Competitions with data capture secured in Choice Magazine, The Lady, two in the Sunday Times Travel Magazine as well as a social Media collaboration with retailer Jojo Maman Bebe.